Empowerment and Healing for Revolutionaries
Discover Your Path
Welcome to Revolutionary Wellness
Revolutionary Wellness provides a sanctuary for women seeking answers to life's profound questions in a healing and transformative space for mind, body, and spirit. Our services and products are designed to guide you on your journey of healing, empowerment and spiritual growth.
Everyone has a breaking point. A point where it gets that bad. A point where you say enough and you find the courage to do things differently.
”A revolution is first a rising before it is an uprising.”
Welcome to the rest of your life.
Beautiful soul, I’m so glad you’re here.
Welcome to the rest of your life. Beautiful soul, I’m so glad you’re here.
Why Revolutionary Wellness?
Anne Almeida’s path to becoming a Master Healer began with her own dark night of the soul experience, as is often the case for healers. Recognizing her own role in the traumatic patterns in her life, she knew she had to put things back together differently. She just didn’t know the how or where to even begin.
A pivotal moment in 2019 planted the seed for her healing journey when she saw her future mentor on a morning show talking about neuroplasticity, the subconscious reel and that it is possible to change the thoughts in your mind. After studying neuroplasticity for 6 months, Anne had hope she could change but something was still missing. The direction of her healing journey found its roots when she experienced her first energy healing using Sacred Geometry. Anne shifted her reliance away from Western Medicine and instead focused on figuring out how to use these modalities to heal herself, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Anne found her own healing and her life’s purpose.
Her journey inspired her to establish Revolutionary Wellness, a home for women seeking a revolutionary approach to healing, self love and empowerment. A place for women ready to dive into their stories, hear the call of their soul’s uprising, change their life and heal for their lineage.
The Path and The How
Our body keeps the score of our life experiences. The stories we tell ourselves about anything and everything belong to our bodies. The stories form our beliefs and our beliefs form our thoughts. Our thoughts form our actions and our actions form our results.
Any limiting beliefs we hold are a result of trauma and less than favorable life experiences. Trauma and life experiences leave an imprint, a block, in your energetic body. These blocks are why you feel stuck, frustrated and like the same shit different day. The blocks create the roots of a tree that will continue to impact your life until you heal it. Healing it does not mean feeling it in its entirety. Healing it means energetically removing the blocks and consciously looking at the beliefs the situation created by looking at the stories we continue to tell.
Healing means taking your power back.
Healing and Trauma
Trauma is not what happened to you - it’s not the rape or the war or the abuse. Trauma is the wound you sustained as a result of what happened. That wound leaves a block in your energetic body.
That wound shapes your beliefs about you. When the wound is still open and healing, you can feel triggered, the trauma still affects you. You feel like you have no choice but to give it power. You are triggered by things in your present day that resonate within you. The wound is the belief the trauma taught you to be true when in fact it may not be true at all. Triggers show you the most open wound, the belief that is crying the loudest to be heard and healed.
Left unhealed, trauma has a lasting impact on your life - it affects how you feel about yourself, how you see the world, what you believe about you, the type of relationships you have. Unhealed emotional trauma is directly tied to chronic illness and autoimmune diseases.
Trauma causes a disconnection from Source. A disconnection from something greater than you. I have personally experienced this and seen it with every single client. When your worst fears happen, aka your dark night of the soul, over and over again - yes there will be another - it’s hard to fathom a man in the sky loving me in any way. As you begin to heal and you begin to become aware of the lessons in each of the traumas, the connection you feel to your Higher Power in those aha moments and those goose bumps begin to reshape your beliefs about what is going on in the Ethers. The belief in something greater than you grows. I refer to it as Source, sometimes God, sometimes the Universe and sometimes Spirit. I invite you to choose what feels right for you.
Mindful Downloads:
Guided Meditations Shop
A huge piece of your healing journey is an awareness of how you feel, recognizing the emotions as you feel them. This is the first step. The next step is doing something about the emotions that do not make you feel good. This is where RevWell’s Guided Meditations come in.
These downloadable MP3 meditations are your guide to help you take care of you in a new revolutionary way.
$25 each
Check back every month for new meditations
Listen to them when you first wake up in the morning or anytime throughout the day.
Thank you Anne for such a wonderful healing!
Your energy is so warm and loving. I really felt the shift of energy and I am very grateful. Thank you, your love and kindness ripples through the world! Lots of love